Synergy’s Diversity Allows us to Service a Wide Range of Sectors within our Industry
Institutional Projects
New 34,175 sq.ft. High School with 80ft clear span fabricated trusses for the gymnasium area.
Industrial Projects
New Facility with 10,500 sq.ft. of shop space and 1,800 sq.ft. of front end office space.
Agricultural Projects
New Cattle Shelter with 40,800 sq.ft. of covered coral area and 3,600 sq.ft. of loadout area. 80ft. clear span fabricated trusses across the width of coral area.
Agricultural Projects
New 65,000 sq.ft. Potato Storage with (4) large 61ft x 132ft storage bins and 100ft x 203ft loadout area. All the structural steel framing within the storage bin areas were finished “hot dip galvanized”.
Parks Projects
Boardwalk and Outlook Platforms over looking the mountains and waterfalls. All support framing “powder coated” with stainless steel top rails and stainless steel mesh inserts.
Parks Projects
Boardwalk Waterfront Railing. 810 lin. ft. of continuous “powder coated” railing with stainless steel cable.
Infrastructure Projects
Rehabilitation to Pedestrian Bridge Walkway. 550 lin. ft. of continuous “hot dip galvanized” railing curved to match the contour of the existing bridge.
Infrastructure Projects
Single span bridge replacement including “hot dip galvanized” abutment pile caps, bicycle rail and bridge rail posts.
Miscellaneous Steel Projects
Large set of Egress Stair designed with all bolted connections. The main support framing and railings were finished “powder coat” and the stair treads “hot dip galvanized”.
Miscellaneous Steel Projects
Picnic Shelter (24ft wide x 44ft long) for a local park. Structural framing designed with bolted connection and finished “powder coated”.